Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and in the United States. Originally it was a day to celebrate giving thanks for the blessing of harvest. In the U.S thanksgiving day is celebrated the fourth Thursday of November. It had been celebrated as a federal holiday every year since 1863. The “first thanksgiving” was celebrated by pilgrims in the new world in 1621. In September 1620 a ship left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers. They were seeking a new home in which they could practice their own beliefs. Throughout the winter the colonists were suffering from exposure and many contagious diseases. In march they received a visit from an Abenaki Indian which greeted them. Days later he turned with another native american. They taught the pilgrims how to catch food and ways to get other food. Following this is 1621 was when the first thanksgiving occurred. The pilgrims celebrated their successful year in harvest. In 1623 the pilgrims held another thanksgiving dinner to mark the end of a long drought which threatened the year's harvest.

Reflection: I am thankful so many things in my life which are the following,
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. To have a home
  4. Having food
  5. Education
  6. Clothes
  7. Good relationship with family
  8. Health
  9. Seeing the people i love everyday
  10. Having people who guide me
  11. Always having someone i can depend on
  12. People i can be with on thanksgiving day

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